About Betsy & Traffic Beetle

photo of 2 adults, 2 kids, outside by hammock

Me, with my family, in our 2nd home: Puerto Armuelles, Panama

Traffic Beetle is a business resource designed to help you as an online business owner make more while working less.

When I started online I was a mom trying to make some extra money. I didn’t want to hire someone to build my website, so I decided to build my own, and then another, and another.

It was exhausting, time consuming, and completely frustrating teaching myself to code. It added major stress. I was spending all my time on trying to make my site look a certain way or do a certain thing. Meanwhile I was spending almost no time getting people to the site. A colossal waste of time. Lots and lots of time spent, and almost no money generated.

Then I tried hiring people in the Philippines to do my sites. Also a disaster. I hired one too many people who seemed to know what they were doing but simply messed up my sites. Sometimes it took months to realize the strange and ultimately crippling coding they had added to my sites.

In the end, I felt forced to learn how to build websites myself.

Then I moved to Panama. Panama is a wonderful tropical paradise, but technological support, especially back then, was scarce. Which is how I also started building websites for others in the area. I built sites for hotels, real estate companies, and a number of network marketing sites for family members back “home” in the States.

Most recently, I created Traffic Beetle to help others by building websites for them. And websites that will not just exist, but that are designed to sell and to build your list. A website that will be a long term asset that will continue to bring in money into the future – even, as they say, when you are sleeping.

If you want to work your business and not your website, then Traffic Beetle is perfect for you.

Over time, I plan on adding SEO, marketing strategies and more to the services we offer.

If you have any questions, please ask them on my contact page. I’d be happy to hear from you.
Or pick up the phone.  So you can schedule a free 30 minute consultation.